Don't Get Any Ideas

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Comic Text Simon: Sorry, I didn't mean to go this deep.
Lily: I don't mind. See you at the party tonight?
Simon: Yeah, I'll be there.
Lily: And don't show up with nothing but shoes on. I was kidding about that.
Simon: I guess I should remind you to wear clothes too, in case you forget.
Lily: Thanks. I think I'll be okay this time.

The Halloween Party

Comic Text Eve: I think that mitochondria is a teacher at my school.
Lily: That's my friend Simon. Have you met him?
Eve: Not really.
Lily: Hi Simon. These are my sisters, Eve and Anna.
Simon: Hi.
Eve: I think I'll be in your class next semester.
Simon: Oh, I'm looking forward to it.
Lily: Don't speak too soon.
Eve: Hey!

Lane Talks to Tyler

Comic Text Lane: So you think I'm going to hell because I'm dating a girl?
Tyler: I never SAID that.
Lane: But DO you?
Tyler: Well, yeah, but that's not the only reason.
Lane: Okay, wow.
Lily: Lane, Tyler thinks practically EVERYONE is going to hell.
Lane: (talking to Lily angrily) I'm not gonna stand here and listen while you defend your homophobic friends. I'm done here.


Comic Text Tyler: I didn't want to get into it, but she asked all the questions, and I'm not gonna lie. The only reason I care is because I don't want anyone to be condemned to an eternity of suffering.
Lily: That's a very compassionate perspective. If only the LORD were as compassionate as YOU are, maybe this wouldn't be an issue.

An Abrupt Departure

Comic Text Simon: Hey Lily. Sorry to duck out so early. Lane and I are about to leave. Thanks for inviting me.
Lily: Oh, okay. Thanks for coming.
(Lily watches as Simon leaves with his arm on Lane’s back as she wipes her face)

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