Sylvia Odhner - Comics and Illustration

Copyright Information

All the rights to the images and text on belong to Sylvia Odhner, unless other authorship is specified. The rest of terms on this page apply to the content on this site that I fully own, and may or may not apply to content that has other co-authors.

Sharing Content

You are encouraged to share full images from this website on social media. Do not remove any of the credits.

Profiting from Shared Content

You are not allowed to sell any merchandise with images or text from this website without permission, or hold content from this website behind a paywall. Sharing comic pages from this website on a website that profits from ad revenue and/or crowdfunding* is okay, as long as the credits have not been removed, the majority of that website's content is original work by the author(s), and it is reasonably clear that the content from is not your own work.

*You are not allowed to receive crowdfunding directly in exchange for posting content from this website on a different website, or directly in exchange for posting re-shared content in general that includes content from

Fan Works

You are encouraged to create fan works inspired by the content on this website and share those works freely, including on websites that profit from ad revenue. If you would like to obtain the rights to profit from your work in more ways, please contact me and I will likely give you permission.


When sharing comic pages from this website, you are allowed to modify the text if you are translating it into a different language. If you would like to create a website that hosts content from this site in a different language, you are translating it yourself, and you would like to obtain the rights to profit from it, please contact me.

If you have any questions, contact me: